Procurement engineers, also known as purchase engineers, are the go-to experts within their companies or organizations for sourcing and purchasing materials, equipment, and services. They often work with technical designers or engineers to decide what equipment their company needs to complete its projects. They further negotiate with vendors to get the best deals for items and manage the inventory and supply chain process. They are involved and manage the process from tracking orders through production and shipping to monitoring inventory levels, and ensuring supplies are available when needed.
In addition, the procurement engineer must develop purchasing strategies, maintain positive supplier relationships, evaluate their performance regularly, and actively coordinate with internal teams to ensure their supply needs are met. Procurement engineers may also be charged with overseeing the procurement team in their daily sourcing and supply activities. A high level of business acumen, sales and negotiation skills, and accuracy are therefore demanded in every company’s procurement engineer job description. Regardless of the sector, procurement engineers must know the required products well to know exactly what to procure and become successful in doing so.
Procurement engineering is about mastering the art of buying, which is why they are needed in practically every sector where any kind of product, equipment, tools, and services need to be acquired. From manufacturing to construction, and from IT to pharmaceuticals, there are opportunities everywhere for specialists in procurement engineering. A procurement engineer in the construction industry may be responsible for procuring a range of items, from forklifts and bulldozers to nails and screws. A procurement or purchase engineer in the pharmaceutical industry may need to source suppliers for key ingredients to produce medicines.
Apply now for a job as a procurement engineer!
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Branche: Automotive
Expertise: Research & Development
Experience: 2 years
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Servicetechniker (w/m/d)
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Location: Wuppertal
Branche: Automotive
Expertise: Production & Manufacturing
Experience: 2 years
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Expertise: Research & Development
Experience: 2 years
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Common procurement engineer responsibilities
Procurement engineers are responsible for performing a range of business purchasing tasks. Responsibilities may include:
- Developing purchasing or sourcing strategies using market and competitive data;
- Analyzing suppliers to select the best based on quality and cost;
- Negotiating with suppliers to obtain products for maximum benefit for the company;
- Selecting and managing suppliers to meet cost, delivery, schedule, and quality objectives;
- Managing strategic purchasing projects to improve internal business processes that help reduce cycle times and enhance efficiency;
- Maintaining supplier strategies and liaise with suppliers on delivery schedule;
- Developing and driving procurement strategies to meet cost savings targets;
- Reviewing and managing the supplier base;
- Performing regular performance reviews with suppliers;
- Creating monthly performance reviews and reports;
- Ensuring compliance in all procurement transactions;
- Adopting supplier management methodologies and procurement strategies to secure better prices;
- Training teams on effective procurement processes and strategy;
- Coordinating with vendors on continuous quality improvement;
- Delivering results in line with agreed procurement timelines and budgets;
- Delivering outputs in compliance with relevant requirements, and in line with customer needs and demands.
Qualifications for procurement engineers
Procurement or purchase engineers should have at least a Bachelor’s degree in Business, Engineering, or a related field.
Additional supporting skills and experience include:
- 2-4+ years of procurement experience in the given industry;
- Excellent sales and negotiation skills;
- Quick to grasp core business processes, market demands, and needs;
- Proficiency in using diverse procurement and supply chain management software systems;
- Proven experience in leadership and project management;
- Strong verbal and written communication skills to be able to work easily with suppliers, engineers, and other diverse team members.