Google for Jobs is a new job search service established by the Internet company of the same name. It was integrated in Google Universal Search in May 2019 and is available to both recruiters and job seekers. The idea behind it is to simplify the search for jobs and the recruiting process and to easily connect suitable candidates and employers. In response to specific search terms, Google visually highlights the display of suitable jobs in what is known as the job box.

Table of content

How does Google for Jobs work?
What are the content requirements for job ads on Google for Jobs?
How can the content of job ads be optimized?
What technical requirements does Google for Jobs stipulate?
How is Google for Jobs changing recruiting?
How does Google for Jobs add value for companies?

How does Google for Jobs work?

Google for Jobs is not a job platform in the traditional sense. It does not let you actively post job ads or job searches. Rather, Google collects indexed job ads from other websites, merges them and presents them as matching entries for the search terms. The underlying algorithm determines which job searches are displayed in response to which search query. Based on the keywords entered in the search mask, the algorithm trawls through various job portals and company and career sites and then lists the results in bundles in the job box.

What are the content requirements for job ads on Google for Jobs?

Google for Jobs has clear guidelines on what information should be included in job advertisements. To be listed in Google for Jobs, a job ad must include the name of the recruiting company, the publication date of the advertisement, the deadline for application, the title of the job, the location and a presentation of the job advertisement in HTML format. In addition, Google for Jobs recommends the specification of salary perspectives, the type of employment, the identity of the company, and an indication of additional locations if the place of work is not the same as the stated location of the company.

How can the content of job ads be optimized?

In addition to the content requirements that Google for Jobs places on HR managers when formulating a job ad, further optimization steps can positively influence the ranking of job ads.


1. Job ad title: When formulating an appropriate job ad title, it is helpful to put yourself in your target group's shoes and consider what search queries they might enter in Google. Creative job titles such as "thoroughbred salesman" – instead of simply "salesperson" – should be avoided, as presumably only very few applicants know what is meant by this and the reach of this job ad would remain low. Furthermore, a job ad title should not be longer than 70 characters.


2. Precise designation of the job location: The more specifically the job location is stated in the job advertisement, the better Google is able to play out the ad to suitable applicants.


3. Salary information: Even if putting salary information in job advertisements is still a taboo subject for many companies, it creates transparency for applicants. In addition, the Google algorithm ranks job ads with salary information higher, so they will enjoy a wider reach than job advertisements that do not contain this information.


4. Formatting of the job advertisement: Google for Jobs focuses on uniformity in job advertisements, so there are few options for formatting them. To make a job ad as readable as possible, it is a good idea to use sufficient paragraphs and list elements. Especially in the job description and the requirements, bullet points should be used instead of text passages. Bullet points loosen up the job advertisement and make it easier for the applicant to quickly grasp its essential content.


5. Job description: All relevant information such as the job description, the requirements for applicants, benefits, contact persons, contact details and brief information about the company should be mentioned in the job description. This is because applicants should see everything they need to know about the job at a glance, without having to go looking for further important information on the job portal or the careers website.


6. Logo: Integrating the logo of the company advertising the position will increase the advertisement’s recognition value. For this purpose, a square format should be used to ensure that the logo is displayed correctly.

What technical requirements does Google for Jobs stipulate?

To get job ads listed in Google for Jobs, it is important to integrate structured data. Structured data refers to standardized formats that are inserted in the code of job advertisements. This helps Google to understand the content of a page and display it as such in the search results. The possible applications of structured data are manifold. In the case of job postings, structured data concerning the job posting type should be included. Structured data for job postings add value by generating interactive search results in which detailed information such as the logo, reviews and ratings can be displayed, thus increasing the attractiveness of the advertisement to potential applicants. One basic requirement is that the careers website or job portal on which the job ads are located must be indexed in Google, i.e. the Google bots must be able to find and read it. Go here for information on how to integrate structured data.

How is Google for Jobs changing recruiting?

Google is one of the most popular search engines in the world and has an immensely wide reach. Not only applicants but also recruiters can benefit from this. Companies that manage to get their own job ads listed in the job box have a significantly higher reach than is the case with ordinary job portals. According to a study by the University of Bamberg on the topic of "Digitalization and the Future of Work", search engines are one of the top three channels that applicants use to look for a job. However, recruiters must meet a number of requirements to have their own job advertisements listed in Google's job box. If Google is to find job ads at all, they must first be listed on a careers website. In terms of content, HR managers are required to write the job advertisements as specifically as possible and in a clear and easy-to-read form. The aim is to answer all open questions about the job for the applicant and in this way persuade him or her to apply. In addition to the job description, work location and working hours, Google for Jobs also expects recruiters to provide salary information, for example. From a technical perspective, recruiters are required to enter structured data. This is important data from the website, such as salary perspectives and the place of work. Codes are used to integrate this data in the technical structure of the website, and it is later highlighted in the job box for the relevant job advertisement. The more structured data a company provides, the greater the chance of appearing at the top of the job box.

How does Google for Jobs add value for companies?

In addition to the extensive reach that Google for Jobs offers to companies, HR managers and their companies also benefit from the focused dissemination of job ads. The algorithm stored in Google for Jobs ensures that job ads are only displayed in response to suitable search queries. Unsuitable candidates per se are thus filtered out directly. The quality of incoming applications can be improved in this way and the recruiting process can ideally be accelerated. Lastly, prominently displayed job ads also increase the company’s general visibility on the web.

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